How To Get a Traffic Ticket Off Your Record
Hiring a traffic ticket defense attorney to fight your ticket in Georgia is essential to improving your chances of getting a traffic ticket off your record. The optimal time to engage an attorney is before your court date or before the fine payment for the ticket is due. Many drivers in Georgia unknowingly pay the ticket fine without realizing the full extent of the consequences they might face.
Potential Consequences of Paying a Traffic Ticket
- Super Speeder Fine: If you were speeding over 75 mph on a two-lane highway or over 85 mph on a four-lane highway, you could be subjected to an additional Super Speeder fine. This fine is over and above the standard ticket fine and can significantly increase the financial burden.
- Driving Record Impact: The violation will be added to your driving record, whether you hold a Georgia driver’s license or an out-of-state license. This can have long-lasting effects on your driving history.
- Points on Your Record: Depending on the nature of the violation, points will be added to your driving record. The number of points varies by state and by the specific violation, and accumulating too many points can lead to further penalties, including license suspension.
- Increased Insurance Rates: Insurance companies review your driving record prior to policy renewal. Having a traffic violation on your record can lead to higher insurance premiums, as each company has its own system for evaluating your risk as a driver.
How to Remove a Traffic Ticket from Your Record
If you want to remove a traffic ticket from your driving record because you were unaware of the potential damage, our Ga traffic lawyers can help. One effective legal strategy is for us to file a “Motion to Open” with the court where you received the ticket. This motion requests the court to reconsider the case and potentially remove the violation from your record.
The best time to file a Motion to Open for a traffic ticket in Georgia is within six months of when the ticket fine was paid. If the ticket was paid more than 180 days ago, it becomes more challenging to get the ticket reopened, although not impossible. The judge and court have the discretion to decide whether to grant the motion based on the specific circumstances of your case.
However, you may want to have that ticket removed from your driving record after 6 months. If you were not aware of the damage it would cause, our traffic lawyers might be able to go back in and file a “Motion to Open” with the court where you received the ticket.If the ticket was paid over 180 days ago, the judge will probably be less likely to agree to re-open the ticket. That does not mean it is impossible to get the violation removed. It is, however up to that judge and court whether or not they will agree to proceed.
Steps After a Motion to Open is Granted
If the Motion to Open is granted, our Georgia traffic lawyers will work to schedule a new court date. During this court appearance, we will advocate on your behalf to reduce or potentially remove the violations and points associated with the ticket. This can be especially beneficial for drivers with a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), as maintaining a clean driving record is crucial for employment opportunities.
Free Consultation
For drivers seeking to get a traffic ticket off their record, professional legal assistance is invaluable. Contact Georgia Traffic Ticket Attorneys Hawkins Spizman today for a free consultation at 404-315-9936. Our experienced attorneys are ready to help you navigate the legal process and minimize the impact of traffic violations on your driving record. You have nothing to lose but those points on your driving record.