How do you find the location of your lost traffic ticket in Georgia?
If you do not remember exactly where you were in Georgia when you received the ticket, please see steps below. Note that OUR OFFICE CANNOT HELP YOU LOCATE YOUR TICKET. ONCE YOU LOCATE THE TICKET AND NEED LEGAL HELP OR ADVICE please call or submit via our website form. The steps we recommend below are the best way to search.
- Try to recall your location(specifically) when you got the ticket by pinpointing the area on a map. Once you do this you can reach out and call County and Municipal courts located within that area. It is easy enough to do a Google search to pull up those courts and phone numbers but it will take some time and effort to make the phone calls. Some counties/cities have online citation searches available where you can enter a driver’s license number and your name and it will pull up any citations you have in their system.
- If you think you have already missed your court date, call the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS). Ask them whether or not they have any information on your ticket by providing your name and driver’s license. This will only work, however, if you have a Georgia driver’s license, as out of state drivers will have to check with their state’s DDS/DMV to find out if the Georgia lost citation has already been reported on their driving record.
- If you pull your driving record online after your payment date/court date has passed, the ticket should then show up but what also might appear is an FTA(Failure to Appear) Charge or a “Bench Warrant Issued” as Georgia considers every moving violation a criminal misdemeanor and nonpayment or not showing up in court is taken very seriously. Eventually, this could lead to license suspension whether you live in Georgia or another state. Thus, it’s best that you don’t just ignore or forget about the ticket as it will definitely come back to haunt you later!
You can search the Georgia Courts website to see if you can locate your traffic ticket in Georgia and pay it. Or you may decide to hire an attorney to help keep the violation and points off your driving record. Not all cities and courts are part of this payment system but many municipal courts and some county traffic tickets can be found on the main Georgia Courts Ticket Locator website. Please note you can look the ticket up in the system to obtain information without having to pay it. if you pay it online that is an admission of guilt and the ticket will go your driving record. If you are past your due date for payment, you can then follow step 3 above to see if the ticket has indeed reached your state’s driver services department.
Once you locate the ticket, whether you want to fight it or you are past due and need help with a failure to appear charge, you can call our office today at 404-315-9936 or contact Georgia Traffic Lawyers by completing our form for a free consultation.
PLEASE NOTE, WE CANNOT HELP YOU FIND THE TICKET. Please visit the Georgia Courts website to locate your ticket before calling us.