Out of State Drivers With a Georgia Traffic Ticket The bustling highways of Georgia are frequently traveled by both in-state and out-of-state drivers. But what happens if you, as a non-resident driver, receive a traffic violation while passing through Georgia? It’s a common misconception that out-of-state drivers, non-residents, are free from repercussions once they cross […]
Points on Driving Record
How Long Do Points Stay On My Driving Record?
Many drivers receive a ticket in Georgia and ask this question when considering legal representation for a speeding ticket, or other moving violation. Each state has its own rules regarding how many points are given for a violation and how long these points stay on your driving record. In Georgia, a driver’s points will stay […]
How Does A Speeding Ticket Or Traffic Ticket In Georgia Impact Your Insurance Rates?
Your Insurance Rates Can Increase Due To Georgia Traffic Tickets The premiums you pay for car insurance can be severely impacted by a Georgia speeding ticket or other moving traffic violation. Every moving traffic violation in Georgia is considered to be a criminal misdemeanor. A speeding ticket alone increased the average cost of car insurance […]
Georgia Traffic Violations, Codes and Points For Violations
How Many Points Will Your Georgia Ticket Add to Your Driving Record? Drivers often call our office to find out how many points they will have on their driving record if they receive a traffic ticket or moving violation in Georgia. The information found below is an up-to-date list of Georgia traffic violations by code […]
Following Too Closely Violation And Accident – How Many Points?
If you rear-end a vehicle causing an accident it is fairly likely that you will receive a citation for “Following too closely”, also known as GA Code Section 40-6-49. This violation, whether or not an accident occurred, would add 3 points to your driving record if you just go ahead and pay the ticket. If […]